Recovered by catlovar

Published 26 days ago
Authormoss-shadow Archive


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can we accuse anyone?

howdo i move

press the left and right keys to move.


acornpaw looks oddly happy saying this. 

acornpaw is my main suspect

same, after all she was able to easily get the mint

and the other med said they there was only acornpaw and their fur and also acornpaw could of used other herbs to poison the target all I need to figer out is how to blame her

very suspicous


woah! how old is this? it thought it was new! there's a lot of new cats!



do you know in ktl you have a sis and she has kits in this game we choose to be one of them and in without a mother there is sunnypaw and Bumblepaw. in this game bumblepaw is a warrior and his kits are too and someone mureded his kit daisysplash. so this is the future

(1 edit)

The kits are the charecters on the screen

same kits but 4 moons old and in this game they are warriors


nice game!